I am quickly finding myself falling in love with the intimacy of newborn lifestyle sessions. They are tender and true mixed with a bit of newborn baby exhaustion and wonder. My heart fluttered a bit for this particular session, I have to admit, when I saw those curly, velvety locks and his chubby, six week old not so little cheeks. His smiles were starting to peek through with a whisper from mom or dad. One of my goals, for any session but particularly newborns, is to catch all of their different faces from those smiles that are absolutely golden to their yawns and frowny faces. Baby M did not disappoint with personality with all of his squirming and smiling and playtime with mom and dad. The pups were almost as curious about his squeaks and squirms as the rest of us. I have to brag for a minute about these guys as well since they were quite the perfect posers and I couldn’t love this new family’s complete portrait anymore if I tried. Capturing these lifestyle moments of baby yawns and stretches and new parent snuggles is a kind of photographer fun that is hard to put into words but that I hope leaps through the images.